Live-in Care Giver
Live-in caregivers are individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision. These individuals must live in the private home where they work in Canada. Live-in caregivers can work and live with a Canadian family for at least 2 years and if eligible can apply for permanent residency from within Canada.
There are several steps that have to be followed by both employer as well as employee to meet the requirements of Live in care givers. To work as a live-in caregiver in Canada, you must make an application to the Live-In Caregiver Program. If your application is successful, you will receive a work permit.
Eligibility Criteria
- A positive Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from an employer in Canada
- A written contract with your future employer, signed by you and your employer
- Successful completion of the equivalent of a Canadian secondary school education
- At least six months’ training in a classroom setting. Areas of study could be early childhood education, geriatric care, paediatric nursing or first aid
- at least one year of full-time paid work experience as a caregiver or in a related field or occupation (including six months with one employer) in the past three years
- Good knowledge of English or French
- A work permit before you enter Canada
Employer’s Eligibility
- Apply to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada/Service Canada (HRSDC/SC) to have his or her suggested job offer reviewed
- Receive a positive Labour Market Opinion (LMO)
- A written contract between the employer and the employee
- Has sufficient income to pay a live-in caregiver
- The applicant should be employed on a full-time basis
- The applicant should meet the requirements set by citizenship and immigration Canada to function in the Canadian labour mark
- Provide acceptable accommodation in a private home
- Make a job offer to the employee that has primary care giving duties for a child or an elderly or disabled person
The employment contract must demonstrate that the Live-in Caregiver Program requirements are met by including a description of:
- mandatory employer-paid benefits, including:
- transportation to Canada from your country of permanent residence or the country of habitual residence to the location of work in Canada
- medical insurance coverage provided from the date of your arrival until you are eligible for provincial health insurance
- workplace safety insurance coverage for the duration of the employment
- all recruitment fees, including any amount payable to a third-party recruiter or agents hired by the employer that would otherwise have been charged to you
- job duties
- hours of work
- wages
- accommodation arrangements (including room and board)
- holiday and sick leave entitlements
- termination and resignation terms